48105 affiliate products from 99 designers
Note: this is a partial list only, not all designers choose to list their products
Designer: AceStenson1 Resident
No Logo
Franchise: Product Type: SLURL: Unlisted
Commission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 13 Items
Designer: Andron Tryce
Franchise: The Chaos Store Company
Product Type: Clothes / buildings / facilities / scripts / Sculp
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 10%
Products: 48 Items
Designer: Ani Davidov
Franchise: Courtly Couture
Product Type: Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, Make-up, Shapes, Physics
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 1 Items
Designer: Atlante Guerrero
Franchise: Stars
Product Type: Apparel
SLURL: Unlisted
Commission: Preapproved 60%
Products: 539 Items
Designer: BabyDoll LaFontaine
Franchise: BabyDoll's Sexy Lingerie
Product Type: Women's Apparel
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1120 Items
Designer: Bebs2000 Giha
Franchise: B2K Design
Product Type: Clothing shoes baby animals
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 390 Items
Designer: Beliria Lumley
Franchise: BLD
Product Type: Clothing for Standard Size Avatars, Petites, Pixel
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 15%
Products: 480 Items
Designer: Belle Roussel
Franchise: Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery
Product Type: Couture Jewellery
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1329 Items
Designer: Biotxa Sirbu
Franchise: Qidem
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 76 Items
Designer: Blaze Firelight
Franchise: Charred Designs
Product Type: Apparel
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 141 Items
Designer: Brianna Altneu
Franchise: Twisted & Bent
Product Type: Retail Home Furnishings
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 764 Items
Designer: Cafeinite Resident
Franchise: . Caffeine Wear .
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 119 Items
Designer: Carolhuhu Resident
Franchise: +HUHU+
Product Type: Fashion Clothing, Accessories
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 1%
Products: 233 Items
Designer: Chris Lodenwald
Franchise: !RIGHT
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 368 Items
Designer: Claudia1973 Schumann
Franchise: Old London Docks & Other World
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 172 Items
Designer: Cory Hancroft
Franchise: Bejambled Designs
Product Type: Jewelry Sculpts and BSM
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 71 Items
Designer: Daemonika Nightfire
Franchise: *DaeSigns*
Product Type: Scripted Attachments and more...
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 258 Items
Designer: Dans Belgar
Franchise: iNEDIT
Product Type: Fashion & Bikes Designer
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 438 Items
Designer: Deana Waydelich
Franchise: Fantasy Restraint
Product Type: Collars, Cuffs, Restraints, Cages, Clothing
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 772 Items
Designer: Demonia Alphaville
Franchise: SD Fashion
Product Type: Fashion Women
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 390 Items
Designer: Ebony Seorn
Franchise: VHD
Product Type: Men And Women Apparel
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 312 Items
Designer: Ellie Monk
Franchise: Ellnique Deisgns
Product Type: Clothing and shoes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 0%
Products: 2245 Items
Designer: Emeliy Auer
Franchise: TrendStyle
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 884 Items
Designer: Eonla Resident
No Logo
Franchise: =MODA= Designs
Product Type: Clothing & Beauty
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 354 Items
Designer: Estrelia Soulstar
Franchise: Estravaganza
Product Type: womans fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 274 Items
Designer: Foxmenn Cortes
Franchise: -*-*FC-Creations*-*-
Product Type: Houses, Shops, Clubs, Breedables, Scripts, Mesh, S
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 79 Items
Designer: Fyre Furse
Franchise: HybridZ
Product Type: RLV Latex Doll Avatars
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 189 Items
Designer: Gaucha73 Resident
Franchise: *It's Gau* Fashion
Product Type: Vestuario e acessorios
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 512 Items
Designer: Gerry MacFanatic
Franchise: G-Fashion
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 200 Items
Designer: Ghanie Lane
Franchise: GL Sculpt Maps
Product Type: full perm sculpt maps
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 39%
Products: 178 Items
Designer: Giovanni Genna
Franchise: G&G Weapons
Product Type: weapons
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 20%
Products: 75 Items
Designer: GregT Frimon
Franchise: delivred
Product Type: Clothing
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 220 Items
Designer: Holger Gilruth
Franchise: G & C Vienna Freebies
Product Type: Items for Landowners
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 20%
Products: 3 Items
Designer: Hummingbird Forster
Franchise: Heels By Humm and Hummingbird Designs
Product Type: Clothes Footwear and Hair
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 344 Items
Designer: IsisRea Diavolo
Franchise: Diavolo Creations
Product Type: Buildings, Furnitures, Decorations, Fashion, TipJa
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 129 Items
Designer: Jadube Haiku
Franchise: jadube desings
Product Type: clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 245 Items
Designer: Jamaica Bowler
No Logo
Franchise: Mystic Creatures
Product Type: Fairys
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 3 Items
Designer: Javier Sirenz
Franchise: Sirenz Creations
Product Type: Bed
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 7 Items
Designer: JoseDiego Silverspar
Franchise: Play Dead
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 418 Items
Designer: JosieWells1 Resident
Franchise: Designs by Joise
Product Type: high Fashion Designs
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 43 Items
Designer: Juliane Nishi
Franchise: ***JN DEsign*** FaShioN
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 713 Items
Designer: Juliette Pashinin
Franchise: Pulchritude
Product Type: Clothing, Makeup, & Body Paint
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 364 Items
Designer: Kimberly Flagon
Franchise: KIM
Product Type: Women Apparel
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 714 Items
Designer: Knockoutwear Resident
Franchise: KNOCKOUT!
Product Type: WEAR CLOTHES
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 413 Items
Designer: Laika Brooks
Franchise: Alway`s Design
Product Type: Skins shape Clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1 Items
Designer: Larosa Kohime
Franchise: LaRosa
Product Type: Clothes,Shoes,Skins,Hair,AO's
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 2679 Items
Designer: Layla Denver
Franchise: Footpaw Industries
Product Type: Cuffs, Collars, Jewelry, Clothes, Rave Items, Acce
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 3385 Items
Designer: LeCoeurDeShannon Resident
Franchise: Le Coeur Wedding Supply
Product Type: Wedding Venues and Supply
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 35%
Products: 4 Items
Designer: Lenox Lowey
Franchise: Mesh Factory
Product Type: Plants,Shelf,Bench,Sanitary,Kitchen,Furniture
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 55%
Products: 136 Items
Designer: Lili Bristol
No Logo
Franchise: ** Orchidea **
Product Type: clothes outfits
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 132 Items
Designer: Liss Ceawlin
Franchise: .:LC:. Fashion
Product Type: Fashion , Jewelry , Shoes , maternity wear, pregna
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1272 Items
Designer: Lymari Daxter
Franchise: **++BloodMoney Designs++**
Product Type: Clothes for Men and Woman
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 38 Items
Designer: Malakina Gummibaum
Franchise: Girl Life
Product Type: skins, shapes & hair
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 117 Items
Designer: Mare Babenco
No Logo
Franchise: Chicago Fashion
Product Type: Lingerie and Loungewear
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 73 Items
Designer: MeigaRJ Babii
Franchise: Namaste Corporation
Product Type: Maternity, Smart Bots, Clothes, Animation, wedding
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 645 Items
Designer: Moonshine Allerhand
No Logo
Franchise: GAALL
Product Type: Woman clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 448 Items
Designer: Nanook Lavendel
Franchise: NaLa Fashion & NaLa Buildings
Product Type: Fantasy Clothes & Buildings
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 209 Items
Designer: Neska Vaher
Franchise: Vaxer
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 364 Items
Designer: Nina Belavidorico
Franchise: * Dreams Inside Nightmares
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 275 Items
Designer: Nspire Resident
Franchise: Nspire2Be Studios
Product Type: Clothing, Shoes, Prefabs, Sculpts, Mesh, Full Perm
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 246 Items
Designer: Ona Loire
Franchise: Chic & Shoes
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 402 Items
Designer: Race Kristan
Franchise: Riders
Product Type: Breedable, Western & Misc.
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 35%
Products: 535 Items
Designer: Rager Karu
Franchise: Rager Karu For Men
Product Type: Apparel for Men
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 55 Items
Designer: Rams3s Kirax
Franchise: Rams Wear
Product Type: Tattoos, clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 0%
Products: 3 Items
Designer: Ratte Tomsen
Franchise: *Rattenscharf - Hotter than Hot*
Product Type: Woman Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 396 Items
Designer: Ray Chantilly
Product Type: FASHION
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 638 Items
Designer: RedNex Resident
Franchise: Zazou
Product Type: Your high end 99L$ Fashion!
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 776 Items
Designer: Rohal Schnyder
Franchise: ROLE OPTIC
Product Type: Eyewear
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 48 Items
Designer: SamanthaSJones Resident
Franchise: Lavian
Product Type: Clothing & Shoes
SLURL: Unlisted
Commission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 692 Items
Designer: Sandra Serin
Franchise: Dafnis clothes
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1534 Items
Designer: Sarai Kruh
Franchise: Sweet Temptations
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 351 Items
Designer: Schuggaboy Allen
Franchise: S&S Creations
Product Type: Shopping
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 20%
Products: 177 Items
Designer: Sebastian Dionysus
Franchise: Designs By Sebastian
Product Type: High Quality Jewelry, Custom Sculpts.
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 49 Items
Designer: Serina Lacava
Franchise: SLC - Shop your brand!
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 3384 Items
Designer: Shelby Zabaleta
Franchise: Pretty Lady
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 60%
Products: 484 Items
Designer: Sin Toshi
Franchise: vMotional
Product Type: animations
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 743 Items
Designer: Sinfullysaucy Spiritor
Franchise: Sin Original
Product Type: Mesh Body clothing for men & women as well as Shoe
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 573 Items
Designer: Spencer Couturier
Franchise: Monarch Jewelry
Product Type: Jewelry
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 139 Items
Designer: Spike Rodex
Franchise: Spike-Source
Product Type: Efix games
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 9 Items
Designer: Spooky Mistwallow
Franchise: Kastle Rock Couture & Mirage Treasure Co
Product Type: Fashion & furniture/decor
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 3297 Items
Designer: StarSong Bright
No Logo
Franchise: Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 0%
Products: 97 Items
Designer: Stars Aichi
No Logo
Franchise: Product Type: SLURL: Unlisted
Commission: Preapproved 60%
Products: 1700 Items
Designer: Stella Gravois
Franchise: Trendy Templates
Product Type: Templates, sculpts, textures & tutorials
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 15%
Products: 141 Items
Designer: Stephanie Leclerc
Franchise: Sweet Baby - Lovely Smiles
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 30%
Products: 65 Items
Designer: StrangerEWS770 Resident
Franchise: Posh Couture & Salon
Product Type: Fashion and Enhancements
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 4 Items
Designer: Sxian Resident
Franchise: Sx Fashion
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: Unlisted
Commission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 326 Items
Designer: Tad Nightfire
Franchise: Bootgasm
Product Type: Boots & Shoe Store
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Contact For Info
Products: 434 Items
Designer: TaiAmber Resident
Franchise: Regina
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 17 Items
Designer: Thalia Tal
Franchise: Thalia's Fashion Collection
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 1151 Items
Designer: Thjago Resident
Franchise: $$ - NyTrO StOrE - $$
Product Type: Urban and Street Clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 10%
Products: 285 Items
Designer: Thunderchild Allen
Franchise: Thunderchild Gallery
Product Type: Artwork
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 25%
Products: 29 Items
Designer: Tiff Zimmer
Franchise: FEISTY Clothing Designs
Product Type: Clothes
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 469 Items
Designer: Ulrich Nansen
Franchise: Innovation Design
Product Type: Erotic Furnitures
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 108 Items
Designer: Vella Dagger
Franchise: **Dagger Design**
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 107 Items
Designer: Viviane Hobble
Franchise: Viviane Fashion
Product Type: Fashion
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 40%
Products: 981 Items
Designer: Vixn Dagger
Franchise: Vengeful Threads
Product Type: Clothing and More
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 387 Items
Designer: Xa Aya
Franchise: PK2
Product Type: SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 399 Items
Designer: Yesika Violet
Franchise: YesiK4 F4ct0Ry
Product Type: Jewelry
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 0%
Products: 45 Items
Designer: Zuri Lyric
Franchise: Lazuri
Product Type: Jewelry
SLURL: SLURLCommission: Preapproved 50%
Products: 411 Items